About YHC Environnement
Project, concept and startup creator
Over the past few years, our work has led us to design several innovative concepts for municipalities and their communities.
Founded in 1998, YHC Environnement is a consulting firm specializing in environmental and energy issues. One of the first in Quebec to develop analytical tools in the field of greenhouse gas emissions, our company has built its expertise in the search for practical, cost-effective and sustainable solutions to reduce emissions from human activities, in improving energy efficiency for the municipal sector as well as for private sector companies.
YHC Environnement advises municipalities of all sizes, organizations and major companies in Quebec and Canada on issues related to the management, production, regulation and distribution of fossil fuels or renewable energy.
Our company is involved in the design, coordination and implementation of projects, both innovative and conventional and of small or large importance. We specialize in the development of renewable energy production and sustainable urban development (SUD).

Design and carry out innovative projects.

Build renewable energy generation projects to develop the economy of tomorrow and the well-being of communities.

Conduct greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and develop customized climate change action plans and adaptation plans.

To assist organizations, public or private, in the research and development of viable solutions for sustainable projects.
Environmental and energy consultants
Yves Hennekens has nearly 25 years of experience in the environment, economy and policy analysis sector. His extensive expertise in the field of combating (fighting) climate change has enabled him to carry out rigorous tools and working protocols for the implementation of inventories and action plans for the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHGs). During these projects he worked on national issues related to the GHG issue while advising clients on Government of Canada programs including the Partner for Climate Protection (PCP) program.
A pioneer in the development of sustainable urban development (SUD) projects and for the development of renewable energy. His clientele includes many municipalities in Quebec and Canada. Yves Hennekens worked with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for nearly 10 years as a peer reviewer for the Green Municipal Fund (GMF).
You can view a video in which it explains the steps to establish greenhouse gas inventories in municipalities, as well as a discussion on climate change and energy initiatives as a chair of the QUEST Quebec Caucus.
Johanne Ouellet has nearly 15 years of experience with YHC Environnement as Development Director. She works closely with Quebec and Canadian municipalities on innovative projects to reduce greenhouse gases and electrify transportation. Examples include the SAUVéR concept, the electric vehicle car-sharing system for municipalities in the region and the HUB-SSé concept (the electric service station for municipal agencies).
Since 2005, Mrs Ouellet has contributed to the development of community energy inventories, action plans and planning for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. She also participated in the development of the Action-GHG municipal monitoring tool, which presents the results achieved by municipal organizations and their communities.
Mrs Ouellet is an excellent communicator regularly called upon to present or lead conferences and forums. She was a political advisor to several ministers and MPs from 1990 to 2005 and graduated from the University of Laval in Communication.
Razi Shirazi
Holder of a Bachelor of Science degree from Université de Montréal and a postgraduate degree in management (finance concentration) from McGill University, Razi Shirazi works in the field of the environment for more than 20 years.
He is Senior Analyst at YHC Environnement and has been with the company since 2003. He is also member of the Board of Directors of Société d’Innovation en Environnement since 2016.
Author of numerous expert reports and studies, he recently contributed to the impact study of a TOD (Transit oriented development) within the framework of the project of the metropolitan electrical network of Caisse de dépôt et des placements du Québec (CDPQ). He also participates in numerous YHC Environnement projects, including the SAUVÉR project and several greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventories and municipal action plans.